Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another reference I would like to share is totally self-evident; one can probably come across it if he googles the word "Japan". Nevertheless, it contains quite a lot of miscellaneous info on language and culture, sometimes fairly suspicious.

For instance, according to one of the authors, in "new Japanese", to visit Tokyo Disneyland is referred to as ねずみしばく (literally, to flog the mouse). Obviously, I myself am not proficient enough to comment on the validity of these new terms; the other more conservative articles seem to be reliable enough though. I am talking about

A couple of other self-evident references to be thrown in for good measure are

The latter is a nonprofit organization based in New York, which promotes cultural interaction via, among other activities, administering numerous exhibitions in the city.

Again, I hope I was not the last person in class to find those.


Satomi said...

いろいろな ひとが いろいろな 日本の きじを かいていますね。かなり あやしいですが、そういうのを みるのも おもしろいです。
「ねずみしばく」の きじが みつけられませんでした。ディズニーランドは ねずみを いじめているといういみですか? また、おもしろいのを みつけたら おしえてください。

yukki said...

"ねずみしばく" is a slang. I think that when people hear it, those from the Kansai area (west) immediately understand it, but others may not. しばく is used as sort of "do" in the Kansai slang. Depending on the context, it can mean "drink", "go", etc.

Satomi said...

Now I found the page you mentioned.

and now I got the maning because of thanks to Fukai-sensei.
there are other "new Japanese".
I use some but I have no idea for others.

tell us if you find more.

asai said...

「ねずみしばく」のきじ、とてもおもしろかったです。でも、この きじに かかれている あたらしい にほんごを、わたしも ぜんぶは しりませんでした。にほんごは むずかしいですね。。although Japanese is my native language....

Cyril Shmatov said...

Thank you very much for your clarification; I am glad this has been resolved. It was not my intention to talk about how mice are tortured at Disneyland (if I translate the first comment correctly). I just used this bizarre quote as a teaser to attract the public attention to the site in general.